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Blinded American Veterans Foundation - org. 1985Blinded American Veterans Foundation - PO Box 65900 - Washington DC 20035-5900





Research - Rehabilitation - Re-Employment

The George Alexander
Memorial Volunteer Service Award

The George Alexander Volunteer Service Award was created in memorial of a friend of American veterans who was quite simply known as "Mr. Volunteer."

Rarely in the limelight. Always there in the trenches. Never asking for credit, even when it was so truly warranted. Almost embarrassed when the richly deserved credit was given. No project was too small or forbidden to try and tackle. No task was too small or seemingly unimportant that he would not put forth his total commitment and boundless energy.

For George Alexander, the miles have been traveled, the promises kept. May he sleep well, knowing that others, in his name, will continue to strive to match his standards of caring and dedication.

The 2000 Alexander Awards

Mr. and Mrs. Jan and Denise Broucinek

Corporate Award
Pitney Bowes

Jan Broucinek is System Manager for Arthur Rutenberg Homes in Clearwater, Florida. He is also the creator of and webmaster for the Blinded American Veterans Foundation website. In his spare time he is a newsletter editor and webmaster for his model boat club.

Denise Broucinek currently works with the U.S. Census. She was an art department intern and photographer for the upcoming film, "All Over Again." Denise also helps design websites and prepares mailings for the BAVF annual Flag Day activities.

Pitney Bowes is an international leader in high technology messaging, with operations in 110 countries. Renowned for its mailing systems, software solutions, copier and facsimile systems, and business and financial services, the company employs nearly 32,000 persons worldwide and holds nearly 3,000 patents. Pitney Bowes has repeated been named as one of 100 best companies to work for in America and is recipient of the United Way's "Spirit of America Award."

Previous winners of the Alexander Award are:

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